Biomorphic Nude - o/p 24x18 in.

Biomorphic Nude - o/p 24x18 in.

Price Upon Request


Main Attributes:

Artist:Eugene (E.V. Biel) Biel Title:Biomorphic Nude - o/p 24x18 in. Work:Painting Medium:Oil Paint Substrate:Panel Date:1957 Signed: Lower Left Size:24.00" x 18.00" Pricing:Price Upon Request Details:

Eugene Biel (E. V. Biel) Biomorphic Nude.


Biel is an early Guggenheim “Forgotten Master” who exhibited with Rudolph Bauer, Rolph Scarlett and others at the Museum of Non-Objective Painting - the early Guggenheim. He was represented by Wildenstein Gallery in Paris in the 30's and was close friends with Picasso, Leger and Chagall who all "wrote Biel personal letters of recommendation" to facilitate his deserved entry into American artist’s circles. 


You can see his friend Picasso's influence in the present work. Biel executed a portrait of Picasso - this work is also available through BENTON GALLERY as well.


Eugene Biel, at the behest of Hilla Rebay, Solomon Guggenheim’s art advisor - was given the second longest Guggenheim fellowship of any artist - 8 years – second only to Rolph Scarlett. Solomon Guggenheim acquired works by Biel for the museum during his 8-year fellowship.



The Artist

Paul Harmon; TN; gift of the artist.

BENTON GALLERY from above; 2012.


ARTephant Core Competencies