Early Cubist Still Life o/p

Early Cubist Still Life o/p

Price Upon Request

Main Attributes:

Artist:Leon Polk Smith Title:Early Cubist Still Life o/p Work:Painting Medium:Oil Paint Substrate:Panel Date:c. 1945 Signed: On Verso (Back) Size:26.00" x 18.00" Pricing:Price Upon Request Details:

Very early, cubist influenced still life by Leon Polk Smith. This rare, early work was executed prior to Smith established himself as a founding member of post-war minimalism and hard-edge painting.


Smith was a founder of post-war, hard-edge, Minimal, abstract art. He rose to prominence in the late 1950s and early 1960s with his distinctive shaped canvas series - the Correspondences. By 1967, Smith's circular explorations introduce multiple panels and define his shaped, multi-part Constellation series of paintings and drawings – these are considered amongst his most exuberant and inventive compositions.



Private Dealer, New York; c. 2010

BENTON GALLERY; from above; c.2010.

ARTephant Core Competencies